Designated Safeguarding Leads Training
Designated Safeguarding Leads Training
Tuesday 10 June 2025, 9am-3pm at the Solaris Centre
Designated Safeguarding Leads Online Safety
This 3-hour DSL course for Blackpool colleagues, delivered by online safety specialists from the South West Grid for Learning, will address the Online Safety landscape and those related responsibilities of the Designated Safeguarding Lead. It will examine a variety of areas including online safety context, statutory requirements, filtering and monitoring, artificial intelligence, managing incidents and provide a wealth of supporting tools and resources to support effective online safety management and practice in school. Importantly, the session will provide a dedicated Q&A opportunity for safeguarding leads to get answers and advice on current issues they encounter.
Dates and Times
Thursday 1st May 1.30-4.30pm Solaris Centre
There will be a charge for non –attendance of £50
Please book here: Training Booking Request Form
School's Training Programme: Awareness in Harmful Sexual Behaviour
This session is delivered in partnership with Elvi Livesey, Educational Psychologist (Looked after Children) and is only appropriate for those who do direct behavioural, safeguarding and pastoral work with children. Aims and Objectives: - To raise awareness of sexual behaviours which can be harmful to children.
Dates and Times
Thursday 22nd May 2025 1.30pm-4.30 at the Solaris Centre.
Please book here: Training Booking Request Form
Youth Mental Health First Aid Training (YMHFA)
Blackpool’s Primary Mental Health Workers, based within Blackpool CAMHS, have been commissioned by Blackpool Opportunity Area, to deliver Youth Mental Health First Aid Training (YMHFA) to our schools. The training will support school staff to develop their knowledge, skills and understanding of how to support children and young people who may be suffering with emotional wellbeing or mental health issues.
For dates and times for the training please click the link: Blackpool Safeguarding Partnerships Training
Introduction to The Request For Support Hub
This training is aimed at all practitioners working with children and young people.
The training will provide participants with information about:
- The agencies which sit within the Request for Support Hub and their responsibilities
- The launch of the new online referral form
- What a “good” referral looks
- What happens on receipt of a referral
- Advice Line and Duty Line
Training dates:
- Wednesday 23rd April 2025, 10am-12pm
All the training will be virtual.
Please book here: Training Booking Request Form
Specialist Gaming and Gambling Harm Workshop
Course Contents
Ygam are working with Blackpool Council to offer a fully funded workshop, delivered through the Young People’s Gambling Harm Prevention Programme. This workshop is aimed at professionals who work with children or young
people in an Education, Youth Work or Youth Sports setting.
Topics Covered
- Gaming and gambling harm
- Advertising
- Mental health and wellbeing
- Blurred lines between gaming and gambling
- How to spot the signs of harm
- Where to get help and support
On completion you will receive a City & Guilds Certificate and Digital Credential, and have access to over 1000 resources, including PSHE linked schemes of work and 1:1 and small group work activities which you can download and use in your setting.
Available Sessions
- Thursday 26th June 2025, 09:30-11:30 – booking link here

Safer Recruitment
This event is aimed at all line managers who recruit staff to work with children and vulnerable adults. By attending the course you will develop the use of safer recruitment techniques and help to fulfil your responsibility to have in place safer recruitment and selection practices.
This workshop is intended to provide a consistent national minimum standard of good practice measures that organisations will adopt when recruiting and selecting people, including volunteers, to work with children and vulnerable adults. This approved training was originally badged by the National College of School Leadership (NCSL) and then the Childrens Workforce Development Council (CWDC). However it is now accredited and registered with the Lucy Faithful Foundation as part of the Safer Recruitment Consortium. It must also be noted that the trainers delivering this course are nationally registered trainers with the Safer Recruitment Consortium.
Aims and Objectives:
- Increase your understanding of offender behaviour
- Understand the key features of safer recruitment that will help to deter or prevent the appointment of unsuitable people
- Understand the policies and practices that minimise opportunities for abuse and ensure its prompt reporting for concerns
- Be able to consider/review your own practices and procedures within your area of work.
Training date:
Thursday 15 May 2025, 9am-3pm at the Solaris Centre
Please book here
Multi Agency Training
Contextual Safeguarding
Blackpool Safeguarding Partnership is facilitating up and coming Multi Agency training for Contextual Safeguarding. The training session will provide participants with the knowledge, skills and confidence that is required to support young people who may be at risk or affected by Contextual safeguarding and all forms of exploitation.
Aims/Objectives –
By the end of the training we will have raised awareness in the following areas:
Contextual Safeguarding – What does this involve?
Child Criminal and Sexual exploitation
Modern Day Slavery
Human Trafficking
Children and Young People missing from home
The training will take place @The Grange, Dinmore Avenue FY3 7RW
Monday 12th May 2025, 1pm – 5pm
Monday 15th September 2025, 1pm – 5pm
Please click here to book onto the training sessions.
Child Protection, Core Groups and Conferencing
The aim of this course is to offer practitioners the opportunity to build on their knowledge and skills to be able to actively participate in a Child protection conference and gain an understanding of their roles and responsibilities moving forward into the core groups.
- To understand the importance of communicating effectively with the children and families they are supporting with a child centered approach
- To recognise the importance of restorative practices whilst working in a multi-agency approach
- To develop a clear and supportive Child Protection plan that will lead into the core groups
Training dates:
- Tuesday 8th April 2025
To book onto the training please use the booking Link: Blackpool Safeguarding Partnerships (MASA, BSAB, BSafe) Events - 9 Upcoming Activities and Tickets | Eventbrite

Private Fostering Training
Private fostering is when a child under the age of 16 (or 18 if they have a disability) is cared for by someone other than a parent or close relative for more than 28 days without the involvement of their local authority/social care. The aim of the training is to raise awareness of private fostering and help practitioners to identify when children are being privately fostered and know how to respond appropriately.
The training objectives of this session are to understand:
- What Private Fostering is
- Why children might be privately fostered
- The responsibilities of the local authority and other partner agencies
- How to identify when a child is privately fostered and what action should be taken
This training is for: Multi-agency practitioners working with children and young people.
The training takes place:
- Thursday 20th march 2025, 1:00pm to 2:30pm, 1st Bispham Scout & Guide Group, Devonshire Road, Blackpool, FY2 0JT
Please book onto the training via the link: Blackpool Safeguarding Partnerships (MASA, BSAB, BSafe) Events - 3 Upcoming Activities and Tickets | Eventbrite

Getting on Better Relationship Toolkit Training
Course Contents
The Toolkit Training is designed to help practitioners explore parental relationships and enable practitioners to gain a better understanding of family life and explore what the children’s lived experiences are.
The toolkit is able to be used to support assessments being completed, it can be used with parents that are experiencing parental conflict, whether parents remain in a relationship or have separated.
The toolkit is designed for practitioners to be able to pick up and use easily.
Throughout the training we explore the toolkit fully and support all practitioners to better understand how parental conflict presents, how to explore this as a professional and what the impact is for children.
Aims and Objectives
- Build practitioner confidence and skills with exploring parental relationships.
- Better understand the impact that frequent, intense and poorly resolved parental conflict can have on children, young people and the whole family.
- Practitioners to have a range of tools that support them with exploring and offering support around parental conflict.
- Better understanding around the difference between domestic abuse and parental conflict.
Available Sessions
- Wednesday 30th April 2025, 9:30am - 4:00pm at North Family Hub
- Wednesday 9th July 2025, 9:30am - 4:00pm at North Family Hub
- Wednesday 8th October 2025, 9:30am - 4:00pm at North Family Hub
How to Book On
If you have access to iTrent Employee Self Service, please visit the Learning section to book yourself on.
If you are a council employee without access to Employee Self Service, or are joining our training from an affiliated company or school, your manager can submit bookings.
For any other applicant (including foster carers, Shared Lives Carers, students, and agency workers) please submit booking requests using the following form:
DASH Training
Half-day multi-agency training on the DASH
(Domestic Abuse, Stalking and 'Honour' based) checklist
The aim of this session is to introduce practitioners to the Domestic Abuse, Stalking and ‘Honour’ based (DASH) Risk checklist and provide confidence to use the tool to assess the risk of harm to a family experiencing Domestic Abuse and be able to signpost to appropriate services dependent on the level of risk identified.
Target Audience:
Multi-agency professionals working with adults, children and families affected by domestic abuse. Including the local authority, NHS, Police, Probation, VCFSE organisations, Housing, Fire, NWAS, Early Years providers, Schools, Colleges, Care Providers, Care Homes, Community Safety.
Training Dates
Wednesday 5 March 2025, 9.30am to 12.30pm at the @The Grange
Wednesday 9 April 2025, 9.30am to 12.30pm at the @The Grange
Wednesday 7 May 2025, 9.30am to 12.30pm at the @The Grange
Wednesday 11 June 2025, 9.30am to 12.30pm at the @The Grange
Please note: that all training attendees are expected to have completed basic level awareness e-learning for domestic abuse ahead attending the sessions. The multi-agency eLearning platform can be accessed at the following link: https://app.melearning.co.uk/auth/validate-key?registerKey=FBMPTYSJ
(N.B. when registering to use the system for the first time, users should select “external” as your organisation when prompted.)

Non-Fatal Strangulation
One hour online briefing to explore NFS
The aim of this session is to raise awareness of Non-Fatal Strangulation and Suffocation so that frontline staff are able to identify and manage risk and offer appropriate support and responses to those affected.
By the end of the session, participants will
- Have increased awareness of the seriousness of NFS
- Understand the physiological and psychological impact of NFS
- Have a developed understanding of risk associated with NFS and how to identify and manage risk
- Understand how victim’s may present
- Be able to respond and support appropriately to safeguard victims and children & young people
Target Audience:
Multi-agency professionals working with adults, children and families affected by domestic abuse. Including the local authority, NHS, Police, Probation, VCFSE organisations, Housing, Fire, NWAS, Early Years providers, Schools, Colleges, Care Providers, Care Homes, Community Safety.
Booking information
To register your interest in attending the online briefing, please email safeguardingtraining@blackpool.gov.uk, with the following information:
• Name
• Job Role
• Organisation
Please note: that all training attendees are expected to have completed basic level awareness e-learning for domestic abuse ahead attending the sessions. The multi-agency eLearning platform can be accessed at the following link: https://app.melearning.co.uk/auth/validate-key?registerKey=FBMPTYSJ
(N.B. when registering to use the system for the first time, users should select “external” as your organisation when prompted.)

Public Health Training Offer
For training offered through Blackpool Council's Organisation & Workforce Development (OWD) Team
The courses that are available are:
- Alcohol Awareness
- Anxiety Awareness
- Bet You Can Help Now! Tackling Gambling Harms
- Bet You Can Help Now! Tackling Gambling Harms (Level 2)
- Bystander Green Dot
- Cannabis Awareness
- Emotional Health and Wellbeing
- General Drug Awareness
- Mental Health First-Aid (Two Day Course)
- Nicotine Awareness Training
- Sex, The Law and the impact of Phonography
- Suicide First-Aid
- Understanding Self-Harm
- Wellbeing in Sexual Health
Please see link for dates and times of the courses, Public Health Training Offer | Public Health Blackpool Council
Kooth are able to provide young people with self help strategies that prevent their mental health from declining, preventing them from going into crisis.
Kooth CYP services can reduce the necessity of GP appointments and hospital admissions and can prevent the need for referrals into CAMHS. Or can support young people with their mental health for young people on waiting lists or who have been discharged from services.
Kooth can support neurodiverse young people, who may find face to face support more challenging and difficult to engage in.
(A reminder the age range for Lancashire and South Cumbria is 10 - 18, up to 25 for SENDD. Please note in Cumberland the age range is now 11 - 18, up to 25 for SEND.
You may be a school, or know of a school that would benefit and like to book their class or year group onto one of the Kooth webinars. I would advise that cameras are kept off as there may be multiple schools on the call. Please email hhook@kooth.com for a link
Kooth are also offering some theme based building resilience national webinars, to sign up for these please use this booking form.
If you as a professional would like to find out more about Kooth, please attend one of the 30 minute Kooth webinars. Please email hhook@kooth.com for a teams link.