Online resources & Blackpool Services
PHE School Zone
Online Resources
There are so many useful websites for schools, young people and parents to refer to. Here are a few which come highly recommended (and some can also be followed on social media for updates):
- ADHD Foundation
- Anti-Bullying Alliance
- BfB Labs - VitaMind Hub (bfb-labs.com)
- bishuk.com
- Blackpool CAMHS Primary Mental Health Worker (PMHW) Team :: Blackpool Teaching Hospitals
- Blackpool & Lancashire Sexual Health Service
- brook.org.uk
- CEOP Education
- childline.org.uk
- Childnet - Updated teaching resources on screen time & livestreaming
- Children's Mental Health
- Educate Against Hate - Prevent Radicalisation & Extremism
- Family Planning Association
- FYi Directory
- Health Protection in Children & Young People Settings, including Education
- Mind
- NHS Lancashire and South Cumbria :: The Linden Centre (healthierlsc.co.uk)
- nspcc.org.uk
- Welcome to Healthwatch - Healthwatch Blackpool
- Winston's Wish - giving hope to grieving children (winstonswish.org)
- Young People's Mental Health Support in Blackpool
Services in Blackpool
There are a number of services and organisations in Blackpool that offer support to Education providers. Please see below for more information from each service/organisation.
ADASH - ADAPT Programme
For information on the Blackpool Adolescent Service including the offer from the ADASH team, CLICK HERE.
Blackpool Football Club Community Trust
Universal FREE
Y6 Unstoppable (Safer Streets)
Y4 Fit2Go
Secondary School
1:1 Mentoring
Y7 Transition to High School
Y9 Premier League Inspires (Accreditation)
Universal FREE
Y7&8 StayOnSide (Safer Streets)
Targeted FREE
Y11 NCS Targeted
Further Education
Universal FREE
NCS Open for All - must complete course before turning 18 years old
Drug Awareness - Lancashire Police
A free 2hour drugs talk to all year 6 classes. This is to give children the ability to make the right choices when attending high school.
The talk covers Alcohol, Smoking (including vaping), medicines, nitroxide gas, energy drinks and the dangers of carrying a knife.
It is a visual demonstration with games and props to encourage interaction.
School Early Help & Resilience Team
The Schools Early Help and Resilience Team sit within the Schools Standards, Safeguarding and Inclusion Services.
We are a team of 10 Resilience Practitioners that work across all School's in Blackpool. Our aim is work alongside schools, promote school attendance and build resilience in young people.
Resilience Practitioners work as equal partners with young people and their parents/carers to look at social, emotional and mental health difficulties.
Each Resilience Practitioner has a cluster of schools which they work across and have set days at each one. They have a link person in each school and through discussions, young people and families are identified for their support.
A request for support form is completed and then the Resilience Practitioner arranges to meet with the family to gather consent etc. Support is reviewed each half term and new young people then identified.
The team offer the following services:
- 1:1 support for young people where a need is identified
- Transition support – moving on up to High school, College or even to a new school
- Group work programmes - Friendship and Communication, ‘Moving on Up’ – Year 6 transition, internet safety, ‘Marvellous Me’ - self-esteem and confidence building.
- Supporting school with early help advice and support and opening early helps where needed
All in turn to promote good attendance, good communication being built between home and school. Sharing of information and offering early help where appropriate.
All of our support is focused on early help and interventions being offered in turn preventing in some cases further need, embedding Resilient Therapy throughout.
Contact: Sharon.butler@blackpool.gov.uk