Staff_handout_changes_to_KCSIE_2024 | Public Health Blackpool Council


      Personal, social, health and economic education is a school curriculum subject in England that focuses on strengthening the knowledge, skills, and connections to keep children and young people healthy and safe and prepare them for life and work.

      Schools should refer to the DfE statutory guidance to inform their delivery.

      In addition, below are resources designed to support you in your work within schools around implementation of relationships education, relationships and sex education and health education. It includes the latest links to RSHE resources and trusted national organisations.

      The PSHE Association have provided three steps to successfully implement changes to RSHE:

      1. Consulting with parents and pupils, and developing policy
      2. What to teach and how to teach it
      3. Sustaining success

      Key areas of RSHE

      The introduction of statutory RSHE in September 2020 focuses on mandatory education in the following areas:

      Public Health England core messages supporting implementation of statutory relationships education, relationships and sex education and health education (RSHE)

      STI Symptom Checker

      • Unusual discharge
      • Pain, burning or increase in weeing
      • Rashes, lumps or blisters
      • Stinging, itching or tingling
      • Pain and/or bleeding during sex
      • Bleeding after sex

      • Pain in the testicles (balls)
      • Pain or tenderness in the lower tummy
      • Irregular bleeding
      • Strong, unpleasant smell from the vagina after sex
      • Painful swelling of penis, testicles or foreskin
      • Brown eggs on pubic or other body hair
      • No Symptoms

      Get tested if you have any of these symptoms, a sexual partner has symptoms or you’re worried after having sex without a condom. Many STIs have no symptoms at all, like HIV. The only way to know for sure is to get tested.