Quality Assuring Resources
We would recommend that your first port of call for resources is the PSHE Association website. All of their resources have been through a rigorous process to make sure they follow best practice principles in PSHE education.
If you are looking for, or have obtained, resources that aren’t from the PSHE Association, it would be useful to refer to their Checklist for choosing safe, effective lessons and keep in mind the key principles of safe and effective practice in PSHE education, which are summarised on these interactive posters. It’s also worth considering the format of any resources you are looking for. For example, are they full lesson plans? This is the format that the Association recommend PSHE be delivered through, as a curriculum subject, and is also in line with the latest KCSIE guidance – which refers to ‘a planned programme of evidence based RSHE delivered in regularly timetabled lessons and reinforced throughout the whole curriculum’. You can read more about the pros and cons of different delivery formats here.
If you are considering speakers or visitors in PSHE, the PSHE Association guidance for schools on Selecting and working with visitors and speakers may also be worth a look.