Prevent Training 24-25
We are happy to share our UPDATED Prevent offer and training dates for the financial year 2024-2025. Our website now includes a whole host of resources (including assemblies and classroom sessions) that are available to download. Please note the requirements for face to face Prevent training has also changed to include KS2 and some additional Face to Face delivery, see the prevent offer for more details.
We will continue to deliver our Prevent education webinars which are open to all staff regardless of their experience of Prevent.
The webinars include:
- An introduction into the Prevent duty,
- An opportunity for staff to develop further knowledge around the risks to radicalisation,
- How to support those at risk
- Learn about the forms of extremism and terrorism we face today.
Each session will last for 90 minutes and will be delivered via Microsoft Teams. The content of each webinar is the same and registration will be via the Lancashire Prevent Partnership website (www.lancashirepreventpartnership.org.uk ) Please note that you will need to sign up for the website ( free of charge) in order to access the booking system.
In addition to the webinars we have a new face to face “Prevent in Practice” workshop also on offer for safeguarding leads and practitioners. This session was well received over the last 12 months and so we hope to put on additional sessions for those who missed out.
For any questions about our offer or working with us please contact us on prevent.team@blackburn.gov.uk / 01254 585260