Better Start Training Offer
The training on offer is as below, we are happy to come to your setting to deliver the sessions or alternatively share training that is offered across Blackpool as learning events that you may wish to attend.
Better Start Overview This is a 60-70 min session delivered virtually via Teams or face to face. You will learn about the 45 million pound project that aims to improve the health of Pregnant Women, babies and their families and improve the development of children age 0-4 years old, to improve school readiness. The session also explores child brain development, the general public’s attitudes and beliefs regarding child development and the initiatives in place across our town to support Pregnant Women babies and their families.
Brain Architecture Game. This is 90 min training session that is delivered face to face, in teams of 3-4 people per table. In groups of up to 20 people per session. it is interactive, it explores the powerful role of relationships, it builds on an understanding of childhood experiences and shaping of early brain development. It looks at what promotes positive brain development, what may help support tolerable experiences and what toxic experiences may derail child brain development and the consequences that this has for the child, adult and society. It builds on Trauma Informed approaches all professionals use, and heightens the awareness of the consequences of ACE’s.
Trauma and Adversity this is a 3 hour session delivered face to face where we explore the impact of Adverse childhood experiences and the effect it has on the developing child, throughout childhood and focussing on the health and social implications for teenagers and in later adulthood. We look at what it is like to live in Blackpool for our families and consider the makeup of our Blackpool population and the health inequalities some face.
We will also look at us as professionals, the trauma our working lives may expose us to and how we may be able to care for each other and ourselves better in the future. In addition to this session there are sessions specifically directed at schools on offer from Jane Mannino Mrs J Mannino <jle@st-mary.blackpool.sch.uk>
Resilience Film This film is offered to those wanting an understanding of using a trauma informed approach within different settings, this presentation provides you with a prelude that is individually profession focused, 20 mins followed by a 60 min film it is targeting those of you working with early years, primary age children, teenagers, within education settings. We can arrange for this to be played at a time of your choice for a whole setting viewing
Brain Story Certification FREE 19 module online learning opportunity, please enrol and complete at your own pace, it is a vital resource, each module is referenced and a bibliography is provided, great resource for different modules or for cpd, revalidation, a certification is provided from Alberta once completed. See attachment for content of each module. Link below:
To find out more or book individual places or request a whole team delivery please either look on the hub or email owd@blackpool.gov.uk, or email rebecca.calvert@blackpool.gov.uk or jo.mills@blackpool.gov.uk